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Everything posted by Sonia

  1. hi, On my local machine , Iam able to save the Radar char on disk and exportCallback function fired successfully. But on server , image is saving on server disk , But exportCallback function is not firing. For User reference find the attachment. I have given absolute path in exportHandler path . When type this path in the browser Page is displaying Kindly help me on this.
  2. Export Chart To Image

    I have similar issue. In my server callback function FC_Exported is not fired once the image is saved in the respective folder. I have HTTP URL. Please help me on this as iam unable to understand the cause. I have already given the absolute url in exportHandler.
  3. Thanks for your replay. I have done same think which you provided . In my local machine it is working absolute fine. But in sever it is not working. In sever, radar chart image is successfully saving on to the specified folder. but callback function FC_Exported() is not firing . I am unable to get alert message which i written in FC_Exported(). I have already set the sever path in exportHandler,HTTP_URI etc. Iam not getting why FC_Exported() is not firing??? please help me on this....
  4. Kindly provide some solution to my above problem.. It is very urgent.