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About mbryan

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Issue with Line chart in MSColumnLine3D

    Is this the same issue as http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic9747-6-1.aspx ? If so, would I be able to get access to the new swf file that is referenced in that bug report (we have paid for an enterprise license of the Fusion suite)? Thanks for any help! --Mike
  2. Hi, I am using the MSColumnLine3D chart (from FusionCharts Version 3.0.7) to render a BAR and LINE chart on the same X and Y Axis. Sometimes, when the 2 data series are far apart, the line chart will not render onto its values. For example, for AUG, the line chart show $280, but the XML contains $373 (mouse over confirms this). Is there any setting that I am missing or is this a bug? Image and XML are attached. Thanks for any help! --Mike fusion.xml