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Everything posted by cbschuld

  1. MSColumn3D Background Color

    All: Does anyone know how to change the background color of the MSColumn3D charts? It is in the documentation (sort of) but I cannot figure out how to get the underlying green away from the chart. Don't get me wrong; the default colors are nice but they clash with my site I am embedding the charts into. I am able to change the background / canvas but it does not seem to apply against the entire background. Any help would be appreicated. Here is the base of my XML: <chart bgColor="ffffff" canvasBgColor="fffff0,ffffff" baseFont="Lucida Sans Unicode" baseFontSize="10" caption="Inspection Per Week" shownames="1" showvalues="0" decimals="0" numberPrefix="" yAxisName="Number of Inspections" xAxisName="Week Number"> Right now it looks nice but the horizontal marker lines are still leaking the green and the "shelf" (is it ok to call it the shelf ;-) ) is still green as well... Any help & ideas appreciated! Thanks, Chris