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Everything posted by raj

  1. Fusion chart is getting erased when I move the mouse cursor over it. This problem occurs only in Firefox web browser. The problem do not exist in Internet Explorer and other web browsers like chrome and safari.Here is the code that I have used. var chart1 = new FusionCharts("/1/inc/fusioncharts/Charts/Pie3D.swf", "chart1Id", "600", "230", "0", "1"); chart1.setDataXML(""); chart1.addParam("wmode","transparent"); chart1.render("chart1div"); The problem is solved when I delete the addParam function.But I cant delete that to solve the problem.
  2. Fusion chart is getting erased when I move the mouse cursor over it. This problem occurs only in Firefox web browser. The problem do not exist in Internet Explorer and other web browsers like chrome and safari.Here is the code that I have used. var chart1 = new FusionCharts("/1/inc/fusioncharts/Charts/Pie3D.swf", "chart1Id", "600", "230", "0", "1"); chart1.setDataXML(""); chart1.addParam("wmode","transparent"); chart1.render("chart1div"); The problem is solved when I delete the addParam function.But I cant delete that to solve the problem.