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About jolka

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Thank you! In that case I will be waiting for that
  2. Hello Sumedh. Thank you for your answer. I was using FusionCharts v. 3.2.2. Yeasterday I got the version 3.3.1 and I was trying once again to add trendlines: <trendLines> <line startValue="80" color="FF0000" parentYAxis="S"></line> </trendLines> but the effect was actually worse. When I was using v.3.2.2, the trend line gets the value from the PRIMARY y axis, but the labels was on the SECONDARY y axis. Now I have got label also on the PRIMARY y axis. I do not know yet, what I am doing wrong.. Please help me if you can.
  3. Hello, I would like to know if there is a possibility to "move" the trend line a little to the right - so that the trend line label is beyond the axis labels and also so that the left axis do not touch the trend line? I looked at the styles for the chart, but I do not see something like that. Thank you for your reply!
  4. Hello, I am working on MSStackedColumn2DLineDY chart and I am trying to add trendlines for second y axis. I tried to write in my xml: <trendLines> <line parentYAxis='S' startValue='80'/> </trendLines> but the startValue is always from the first y axis. Am I doing something wrong? Or maybe on the chart MSStackedColumn2DLineDY the trendlines work only on the primary y axis? Thank you for your help!