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Everything posted by hs

  1. i am trying to set the color of a multiseries line. is there anything wrong with the following? it always comes up with a standard blue color and i cannot seem to control the line attributes. $FC4->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1,"hr1","sumofyield1","color=880000;"); Thanks.
  2. hi rahul, both worked. thanks!
  3. i am trying to set the color of a multiseries line. is there anything wrong with the following? the line always comes up with a standard blue color and i cannot seem to control the line attributes. $FC4->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1,"hr1","sumofyield1","color=880000;"); i pass this using php,js with a Thanks. Below is the code: <?php //This file contains the db connection include("dbconn.php"); //We've included FusionCharts_Gen.php, which contains FusionCharts PHP Class to help us easily embed the charts. include("FusionCharts_Gen.php"); //This page generates the XML data for the Line Chart contained in //Default.php. //Connect to the Database $link = connectToDB(); # Create a Line chart object. This size is overwritten in the HTML $FC4 = new FusionCharts("MSLine","850","650"); # Set Relative Path of the FusionCharts swf file. $FC4->setSwfPath("FusionCharts/"); #Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam=" caption=morning versus evening yield per milking by cattle_id - multiseries; subcaption=sub caption; xaxisname=date; yaxisname=yield; rotateNames=0; yAxisValuesStep =1; yAxisMaxValue=10; labelStep = 1; adjustDiv=1; showValues=1; decimalprecision=1; alternateHGridColor=333333; alternateHGridAlpha=20; divLineColor=333333; divLineAlpha=90; divLineIsDashed=1; canvasBorderColor=666666; baseFontColor=999999; lineThickness=2; anchorRadius=2; anchorAlpha=50; bgColor=333333,000000,333333; captionPadding=20; canvasPadding=0; chartTopMargin=60; chartRightMargin=50; bgAlpha=100; bgSWFAlpha=100; canvasBgAlpha=90; canvasBgColor=000000,222222; numDivLines =8;"; #Set chart attributes $FC4->setChartParams($strParam); // Fetch all factory records using SQL Query // Store chart data values in 'sumofyield' column/field and category names in 'milking_date' $strQuery = "SELECT date(milking_date) as md, Sum(milking_yield) AS sumofyield FROM milking GROUP BY date(milking_date) ORDER BY milking_date"; $strQuery1 = "SELECT hour(milking.milking_date) as hr1, date(milking.milking_date) as md1, (Sum(milking.milking_yield)) AS sumofyield1 FROM milking where (HOUR(milking.milking_date) <= 12) GROUP BY milking.milking_date ORDER BY milking.milking_date"; $strQuery2 = "SELECT hour(milking.milking_date) as hr2, date(milking.milking_date) as md2, (Sum(milking.milking_yield)) AS sumofyield2 FROM milking where (HOUR(milking.milking_date) > 12) GROUP BY milking.milking_date ORDER BY milking.milking_date"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error()); $result1 = mysql_query($strQuery1) or die(mysql_error()); $result2 = mysql_query($strQuery2) or die(mysql_error()); //Pass the SQL Query result to the FusionCharts PHP Class function //along with field/column names that are storing chart values and corresponding category names //to set chart data from database // $strParam2="color=880000"; $FC4->addCategoryFromDatabase($result,"md"); $FC4->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result1,"hr1","sumofyield1","color=880000;"); $FC4->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result2,"hr2","sumofyield2"); mysql_close($link); //Set Proper output content-type header('Content-type: text/xml'); //Just write out the XML data //NOTE THAT THIS PAGE DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY HTML TAG, WHATSOEVER print $FC4->getXML(); ?>