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Everything posted by ItalFreak

  1. Image not exported for save

    Hi, I'm trying to save a v3.1 chart as JPG or PDF from the client side and got this far as that the 'capture phase' is working fine. It shows 'Capturing Data 0-100%' and then finishes. The 'Save' button then appears or rather gets active but does not do a thing. When clicked something happens in the background but nothing on screen. I guess the 'Save as' dialog should appear ? The debug window shows: value="292.4" /> Export Capture Process Start: The chart has started capturing bitmap data for export. Export Trasmit Data Start: The chart has finished capture stage of bitmap export and is now initiating transfer of data to JS function 'FC_ExportDataReady' What could I do next to check or try ? Best regards, Jean Yesterday I tried on my other laptop, running Vista and guess what: On Vista saving the charts works, on 2 different XP machines it does not. (Nothing happens after clicking the 'Save' button') I still don't know where to look for the error but now maybe someone else does ? I have got to get this working on XP as well.... Thanks, Jean
  2. Hi, I'm not sure how to explain this best so maybe a picture will help: On the X-axis I have RPM's but there is no relation between the value I have specified and the location on the X-axis. The difference between the second and first value = 7778 - 6300 = 1478 RPM. The difference between the 3rd and the 2nd = 8271 - 7778 = 493 RPM The space between both is equal though. I would like to scale or be able to move the labels and values along the X-axis in relation to its value. So in this case the gap between the 1st and 2nd value should be much bigger then between the 3rd and the 2nd. Is there any way I can do this ? (Not divide the X-axis equally but in relation to the minimum-maximum values I specify) Hope this is somewhat clear.... Best regards, Jean
  3. How to place DataLabels correct on X-axis ?

    Hi Druhva, Yes now I see. This is exactly what I a Line chart ;-) I could use the scatter chart if it could connect the 'scatter dots' but I don't think that is possible. It would be great to have this functionality in all the Line charts. Is there a point in submitting this as a future request ? Regards, Jean
  4. How to place DataLabels correct on X-axis ?

    Hi Drhuva, I don't see how a scatter chart could help as it also divides the x-axis in even spaces. What I would like to to is place the data labels according to their value on the x-axis. Say I have an X-axis that starts at 6000 and ends at 10000. My X-axis data label values are 6500, 7000, 9000, 9100 and 9200. 5 Data labels now are divided evenly over the X-axis where the distance between label '7000' and label '9000' is equal to the distance between 9000 and 9100. Now I would like to be able to place the data labels relative to the Y-axis in percent of the total X-axis. In this case: Label 6000 would be at 0% Label 6500 would be at (6500 - 6000) / (10000 - 6000) *100 = 12.5% from the left. Label 7000 would be at (7000 - 6000) / (10000 - 6000) *100 = 25.0% from the left. Label 9000 would be at (9000 - 6000) / (10000 - 6000) *100 = 75.0% from the left. Label 9100 would be at (9100 - 6000) / (10000 - 6000) *100 = 77.5.0% from the left. Label 9200 would be at (9100 - 6000) / (10000 - 6000) *100 = 80.0.0% from the left. Label 10000 would be 100%
  5. Image not exported for save

    Hi Sudipto, Switching to Flash 10 solved my problem but I'm still confused about the requirements. The online documentation says: Client Side: Adobe Flash Player 8 (or above). Is version 10 only necessary to be able to save graphs and version 8 or above to view them ? I'm checking client site Flash version on my site and want to warn users about the minumum required version. Thanks, Jean
  6. Since I want the app to run even off line, I'm using Google Gears and Javascript for FusionCharts. Now the chart appears empty with the text "No data to display" and I want to change that to something like "Please use Load Data Button to display chart" and use the following syntax: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf?ChartNoDataText=Please use Load Data Button to display chart", "ChId1", "300", "250", "0", "0"); This works fine but when using the locally stored Google Gears version of the website the file Column2D.swf is not found until I remove the "?ChartNoDataText=Plea....." part again. So can I submit this parameter another way as well, maybe something like this for the empty chart: "chart1.setDataXML("
  7. Other way to change chart messages possible ?

    Great, that solved it ! It works fine now. Thanks !
  8. Other way to change chart messages possible ?

    Hi Sudipto, It looks like it works but it does not... The param is added succesfully but does not change the ChartNoDataText. (see yellow text in screenprint) Still showing the default "No data to dislpay" (see top of screenprint) Please see attached screenprint from FireBug. By the way this is online, Not using Google Gears ! Anything else I should look at ? Thanks, Jean
  9. Hi, It would be nice to have an option to resize the Legend boxes (Charts v3.1) as they are kind of small and can only be resize by using another font size. (I checked the kb) This way the font has to become very big to have an acceptable Legend box. Regards, Jean
  10. Image not exported for save

    Oops sorry.... That (Flashplayer 10) solved it alright ! Now it works fine in both IE7 and FF on XP and Vista. Thanks !
  11. I know how to add a vertical line in a Multi Series Line graph but it is always placed between 2 categories and I would like to draw a vertical line on 1 of the categories. Is this possible ? Or can I emphasize one of the vertical grid lines instead ? Best regards, Jean