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About blitZ

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Fc_Exported Not Firing

    FC_Exported is not firing. My export is working fine. I have an alert in the FC_Exported function and it never appears. Any ideas? Thanks var zipChart = new FusionCharts("/bia/apps/global/FusionCharts/Charts/Column3D.swf", "zipChart", "350", "250", "0", "1"); zipChart.setXMLData("<chart caption='Zip Codes Served Earlier' " + " exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='query/qryCustCompare.cfc?method=imageExport&chart=zip' " + "clickURL='J-showChartDetail(zipFlag)'exportAction='save' exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPG'>" + "<set label=EAM' value='<cfoutput>#qryZipCompare.EAM#</cfoutput>' />" + "<set label=' NDA' value='<cfoutput>#qryZipCompare.NDA#</cfoutput>' />" + "</chart>"); zipChart.render("ZipComparison");
  2. I'm trying to change a chart property prior to doing an export. The export works fine if I don't change the property, but I need to do a save for this scenario. The export does not execute at all, after using setChartAttributes. Any ideas? Thanks function exportAllCharts() { var objZipChart = getChartFromId('ZipComparison'); var objBizChart = getChartFromId('bizChart'); var objOntimeChart = getChartFromId('ontimeChart'); params = '/Bia/apps/Lane/query/qryCustCompare.cfc'; jQuery.ajax({ url: params, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){alert(textStatus)}, success: function(){ objOntimeChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "save"}); objZipChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "save"}); objBizChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "save"}); objOntimeChart.exportChart(); objZipChart.exportChart(); objBizChart.exportChart(); setTimeout('exportAllOff()', 10000); }, data:{ Method: 'setMultiExport', expSwitch: 'On' } }); objOntimeChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "download"}); objZipChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "download"}); objBizChart.setChartAttribute({"exportAction": "download"}); }
  3. Exporttargetwindow To Target Iframe

    I found a work around for the script stopping. I have 3 charts on a page I am saving as seperate images, which works fine. I just want to target a hidden iframe so I don't get the windows popping up. It would be a nice feature to be able to target a specfic element.
  4. Exporttargetwindow To Target Iframe

    I have my own export handler for ColdFusion, which works fine. When I change the exportHandler attribute the JS processing just stops with no error.
  5. Exporttargetwindow To Target Iframe

    Also, when I change the exportHandler script the export does not do anything. if( objZipChart.hasRendered() ){ objZipChart.setChartAttribute( {'exportHandler': 'chartExport.cfm?chart=zip&type=All' } ); objZipChart.exportChart(); }
  6. I'm using exportTargetWindow to target an iframe and it's not working. Is this not supported?