The columns are not properly rendered in the following chart. If you increase the number of datasets, the rendering is ok.
<chart palette='1' plotPriceAs='Line' canvasBgColor='ffffff,d1d1d1' canvasBgAngle="90" numberPrefix='$' bearBorderColor='E33C3C' bearFillColor='E33C3C' bullBorderColor='1F3165' baseFont="Verdana" baseFontSize="8" baseFontColor="000000" >
<category label='2006' x='1' />
<category label='Feb' x='20' />
<category label='March' x='40' />
<category label='April' x='60' />
<set open='24.6' high='25.24' low='24.58' close='25.19' volume='17856350' />
<set open='24.36' high='24.58' low='24.18' close='24.41' volume='3599252' />
<set open='24.63' high='24.66' low='24.11' close='24.15' volume='74685351'/>
<set open='24.53' high='24.84' low='24.01' close='24.5' volume='49236987'/>
<set open='24.84' high='24.94' low='24.56' close='24.63' volume='18247006'/>