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Everything posted by ivan.perez

  1. Hi, I'm try to plot a chart using MSLine.swf by pass XMLdata, but i've a problem for show X axis labels. I try the property showLabel in category: example: Sometimes the x axis labels were show, sometimes weren't show. is This a problem? Or am I forget something to set? PS: I'm using the MSLine.swf on flex 2 application and I'm using swfLoader. tnks
  2. Hi, I'm trying to understand a problem when I resize a MultiColumn Graphic. First It 's working fine, but when I resized the window, a simple Flex dashboard, part of the legend description was dropped. Sometimes, hidden the last serie in legend box too, i don't know why... I have a lot of empty space (see attachment). It looks weird! I attached two screenshots. First picture works fine and the other with the window resized. I'm using FusionCharts 3.1v and I also tryed to use the legendPosition='Bottom', but It didn't work when I had 3 or 4 Series (dropping legend names and hidden the last sometimes). IT's my XML file (It is attached too): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> How could I solve It? Does Anyone have an idea? tnks fusionCharts.XML
  3. Dropping legend names after resize

    This problem was solved with FlexFusionCharts api. I'll try this api for flex. tnk
  4. Hi, I'm working with dataURL and swf to render my charts and I'm using multiseries (column3d, stackedColumn etc) charts with 3 to 5 series(Ex. serieA, serieB, serieC and serieD). Sometimes the Multiseries chart doesnt show all series legend (In above ex., sometimes the chart shows only serieA, serieB and serieC)! Apparently, there is a small area to show legends, but I have a lot of empty space to show them! Could I resize the space to show legends? How can I do this? We didn't have legend size properties like 'legendWidth' or 'legendHeight' :-( tnks
  5. Hi, anybody knows how to create a chart Image on server side? tnks