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Everything posted by tsweet

  1. I'm building a chart in ColdFusion, and everything worked fine. But when I added a bgColor, it appears to do absolutely nothing. Inside the <chart> I've tried: bgAlpha='100' bgColor='CCCCCC,CCCCCC' and: bgAlpha='100' bgColor='CCCCCC' and: bgColor='CCCCCC' But the background is still white. I need to make it a light grey. I am using a baseFontSize = 12 also. Any reason why the background color won't change? Thanks.
  2. bgColor not working on Pie2D

    Ok, found that it had another bgColor tag in there. Evidently, it takes the first one. Thanks for the help. Sometimes the XML is pretty bulky to go through.
  3. I looked at some samples here, but realized they are in c#. I needed a simple example using XML data with AJAX. I am familiar with doing standard reports, but would like to be able to create one that auto-updates every minute or so. I'm just not sure how to call the renderchart (or renderchartHTML) through AJAX. I've looked at samples and other info. I will be using Oracle, and am familiar with getting this to XML, so that's the form I'd need. Thanks.