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About wsmeeks

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hello, I have an MSCombi3D chart and I'd like to have each column be a different color. I tried using the color attribute of dataset with multiple colors, for which the documentation says: "For column chart, you can specify a list of comma separated hex codes to get a gradient plot." However, all I can get is for the series to be whichever color is first in the list. I also tried setting the color attribute of each set, which appears to work for other chart types, but for me the columns just have the default color. Any hints? Thanks, Scott
  2. Labels on Z Axis?

    Hello, In the MSCombi3D, rather than having a legend of the data series, I would rather have the labels on the Z axis (that is, along the near edge of the XZWall). This is an option for 3D charts in MS Excel for example. Is there any way to do this? Thanks, W. Scott Meeks Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 100 CambridgePark Drive, Suite 400 Cambridge, MA 02140 617 234-0582