Elmar Brandt

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About Elmar Brandt

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hello, we are using the multi series 3D Chart with 3 categories and 2 series (2009/2004). Each set in the two datasets has it's own color. Is there a way to place the series name under each bar additionally? Example: bar 1+2: Label: product1 bar 1: additional: 2009 bar 2: additional. 2004 bar 3+4: Label: product2 bar 3: additional: 2009 bar 4: additional. 2004 ... Greetings, Elmar Brandt
  2. Print Charts & additional Information

    Hi, the website must be run under Microsoft IE 6/7/8 and FireFox 2.x / 3.x. Greetings Elmar
  3. Hello, we are using fusioncharts on a web-site with additional Informations (Timestamp, state...) Printing this site with the browser, the chart would not be printed. Printing the chart, the additional infomations would not be printed. Is there a way to print it all together? Greetings from Germany, Elmar
  4. Print Webpage inlcuding the chart

    Hello, I want to print the whole web-page inclusive the chart I has rendered via fusion-charts. Now, when I use the file print function of the browser, the chart was not printed. Has anyone a solution for this problem? Best regards, Elmar Brandt
  5. Bar/column-chart

    Hello, I found solution! Now I have the problem, that the image has not the correct allignment. It is not in center of the column. Regards, Elmar Brandt file.txt
  6. Bar/column-chart

    Hello, is there a way to use an image as label in a bar or column-chart? Regards, Elmar Brandt
  7. XML-Schemafile for Fusion Charts 3.1

    Hello, we only need the FusionCharts XSD-Files. Well, when I had complete XML-Files I can generate them myself. Best regards from Germany, Elmar Brandt
  8. Hello, where can I find the xsd-files for Fusion Charts v3.1 (singleCharts and MultCharts)? Best regards, Elmar Brandt