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Everything posted by vnaresh_kumar

  1. Hi, I want to enable Export if my charts are rendered using flash and I want to disable export functionality if my charts are rendered using javascript. how can i do that? any help!!
  2. Hello, I tried using & a p o s ; and also tried %26apos; to escape the string in Pie3D but of no use, can you tell me how can escape it properly so that it renders it correctly. now it shows like, ex: data: abc's output: abc & a p o s ;s or abc%26apos;s how can i render the 'quote' correctly
  3. Hi, I am using fusion charts in https environment i changed the code according to and got rid of the security warning. but can't get the data loading. It says "Error loading Data" i can't get it right even before changing the headers says "Error loading data" After changing the headers like shown below Me.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "cache, must-revalidate") Me.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public") then it says "No data available" but if I remove those headers it is shown correctly in firefox and other browsers other than IE. So, what is the fix for IE? I checked all other threads related this post in this forum but of no help in this issue.