I'm new to FC, so apologies if this is a newbie :
The following (generated from my jsp page) doesn't work :
<script type='text/javascript'>
var chart_basicChart = new FusionCharts({"swfUrl":"/qa/resources/Charts/Column3D.swf","registerWithJS":"0","height":"300","renderAt":"basicChartDiv","width":"600","dataFormat":"json","dataSource":"{'chart':{'caption':'Monthly Sales Summary', 'subcaption':'For the year 2006', 'xaxisname':'Month', 'yaxisname':'Sales'},'data':[ { 'label':'January','value':'17400' } ]}","debugMode":"1","id":"basicChart"}).render();
It generates (in the debug window):
INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method.
INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method.
ERROR: Invalid XML encountered. A start-tag is not matched with an end-tag. Check the XML data that you've provided. If you've special characters in your XML (like %, &, ' or accented characters), please URL Encode them.
If I use (using the same jsp page, but changing the params) :
<script type='text/javascript'>
var chart_basicChart = new FusionCharts({"swfUrl":"/qa/resources/Charts/Column3D.swf","registerWithJS":"0","height":"300","renderAt":"basicChartDiv","width":"600","dataFormat":"xml","dataSource":"<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'> <set label='Jan' value='462' /></chart>","debugMode":"1","id":"basicChart"}).render();
it works fine.
I copied both sets of data from the documentation, but I presume it's the json format that's wrong.
Could someone point me to a json dataset I can use to get a chart up using json please - I can work it from there :-)
Many Thanks