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Everything posted by Parker

  1. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    I have ported the code and have it working in my project. It turns out the problem seemed to be with the way the XML was being used as part of the body of the tag. I changed this to a standard tag attribute and all works fine now.
  2. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    I am having the same issue as in the post here: Extra text insterted into the page. From the follow ups it appears to be due to the fact we are using JSF 1.2. I have started porting the code to JSF 1.2, but have not done a JSF component before and its taking some time. If you have a JSF 1.2 jar that would help.
  3. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Any success on a version which doesnt insert the extra data to the page: #{backingBean}.xml ??? I'd rather not go through the pain of debugging and generating my own jar file.