Below is the script that uses the PHP Class. I want to put a Gradiant style on the charts like the online demos have and style the fonts. If i am using the class how to do pass the paramiters to style? For example, the nifty
# Set chart attributes
is very clear and simple. so how can i use the xml structure below to do this in the php class? Where do i set or put this code?
Also i see the shadow attribute but there doesn't seem to be one for the gradient effect like the online demos have.
<!-- Your data here -->
<style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' face='Verdana' size='12' color='FF0000' bold='1' bgColor='FFFFDD' />
<style name='MyFirstAnimationStyle' type='animation' param='_xScale' start='0' duration='2' />
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' color='CCCCCC' />
<apply toObject='Caption' styles='MyFirstFontStyle,MyFirstShadow' />
<apply toObject='Canvas' styles='MyFirstAnimationStyle' />
<apply toObject='DataPlot' styles='MyFirstShadow' />
# Include FusionCharts PHP Class
# Create Multiseries Column3D chart object using FusionCharts PHP Class
$FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","350","300");
# Set the relative path of the swf file
# Store chart attributes in a variable
$strParam="caption=Weekly Sales;subcaption=Comparison;xAxisName=Week;yAxisName=Revenue;numberPrefix=$;decimalPrecision=0";
# Set chart attributes
# Add category names
$FC->addCategory("Week 1");
$FC->addCategory("Week 2");
$FC->addCategory("Week 3");
$FC->addCategory("Week 4");
# Create a new dataset
$FC->addDataset("This Month");
# Add chart values for the above dataset
# Create second dataset
$FC->addDataset("Previous Month");
# Add chart values for the second dataset
<title>First Chart Using FusionCharts PHP Class</title>
<script language='javascript' src='../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js'></script>
# Render Chart