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Everything posted by Paulo

  1. Check Open Flash Chart 2: When you hover the mouse near the line, it shows the anchor value. Currently, fusion charts area, it's very "cryptographic" to the client. There's no way to know where the "peak" is, nor it's easy to tooltext tip it. On an almost plain area, it's impossible to know where the variations are. Maybe I'm missing a parameter on FC, but so far I couldn't find it. Maybe I'm searching for the wrong feature name, calling it "snap to anchor", what would it be called? (I'm Brazilian btw)
  2. Snap to Anchor on Line and Area

    Ok, that's one workaround, but you guys should consider the "snap to anchor" feature. It's really nice for acessibility.
  3. Please add a zoom feature

    Yeah, I miss zooming as well. A quick work around is to use the "scrollarea2D.swf" for example, and use the numVisiblePlot to 1 for example, but it needs to be refreshed... A zoom feature would be awesome, hopefully it will be a quick-to-implement solution from Fusion charts