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Everything posted by blake.mills

  1. Can dataUrl be a web address?

    I am using a web service type resource to return chart xml. I want to set the dataUrl = to the web address of my web service. It works if I leave out "", but I need to include the entire address because. Here is my code that doesn't work. (Ignore the cdataUrl typo. That typo only exists in my example)
  2. My company is still using enterprise edition version 2.3. In our distribution I can't find the chart FC_2_3_MS_StckCol.swf. The chart is displayed in the chart gallery for version 2.3. Link to FC_2_3_MS_StckCol example on the Fusion Charts site Was that chart added to a later release of 2.3?
  3. How to show Sub Categories?

    I need to display categories that have sub categories. For example I need to show states like IL, MO, KY as the main category, but then each state needs to be broken down further into categories X, Y. Below is a crude example, for which there would be a bar chart above each X and Y. ---------------------- | x | y | x | y | x | y | | IL | MO | KY | Can this be done?
  4. How to show Sub Categories?

    The extra spaces were removed from my crude example. Imagine for each state there is a subcagetory of x and y. For each x and y there is a bar or column chart.