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About kumarhanu

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    Forum Newbie
  1. One Legend group for group of charts

    Thanks Sashibhusan
  2. In my application there are n number of similar charts (bar) with legends. Legends are similar across charts. I would like to take out the Legends group from each chart and make them global for all the charts. With this I can save some space and can display more number of charts in a page. Is there any way to make Legends global? Thanks, Kishore
  3. How to set the width of a bar in bar chart

    Attribute "plotSpacePercent" solved my problem.
  4. I am new to fusion charts. I have an issue with bar chart. Chart is displaying fine when 5 bars are gets displayed. Bar width gets expanded when only one bar is there. Can we have any attribute to specify fixed width of the bar? Any help is appreciated.