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About avva555

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 07/21/1987

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    Reading Spiritual Books

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  1. Legend Issue

    decrease the size of the div and try you will face the issue width 500 and height 300
  2. Legend Issue

    Hi, version fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.9888 "A" contains XML example for legend data coming out of the box "B" contains XML example for legend data overlap each other Thanks & Regards, Venkat Avva Examples.xml
  3. Legend Issue

    Hi, I am using fusion charts in our application i have following issues 1. legend values are more it comes out of the box as shown in picture can you provide some resolution.
  4. Thanks , what an idea sirji ... it's working displaying in center . it really nice to have your support .
  5. see that <div> width is 1000X1000 so i used 600 it's near to center but it's displaying near to end that to i am dynamically giving position of the nodes(X,Y) based on the no of nodes present at the level X=1000,Y=1000,divider=100(Space between two node in the same level) Suppose no of nodes at level -1 = 1 (A) no of nodes at level -2 = 2 (B,C) A(x,y)= ((1000)/(noofnodes+1)+divider, Y-(level*100)) A(600,900) B(x,y)= ((1000)/(noofnodes+1)+divider, Y-(level*100)) A(333,800) C(x,y)= ((1000)/(noofnodes+1)+divider, Y-(level*100)) A(666,900) this is the way we are preparing positions for node when xml contains proper position Drag Node Chart is not displaying i felt this is a bug . please confirm is this a defect in this chart ? or any changes that i need to follow in my xml
  6. hi, i have some issue with node position in drag node chart provided in power chart XT XML used to prepare this chart also provided as attachment DIV i am used to show this chart size is 1000px X 1000px please tell me why chart is not displayed in center. XML.xml
  7. Hi, I want disable Submit Restore Add or edit items button in Drag Node Chart Thanks & Regards Venkat Avva
  8. sorry you misunderstand my requirement i need to display data presented in this format ( multiple level) what is the maximum width and height used for DragNode Chart as this is not having scroll so upto what height and width we can see
  9. Thanks for your answer. I want to show data in hierarchical structure I choose Drag Node chart is there any other chart that will shows data in very good manner I mean any alternate for this Drag Node Chart. Cheers, Venkat
  10. hi , I have to display data in hierarchical structure. i am using Drag node charts in powerchart XT . because of hierarchial structure the no of level increases scroll not comming so will you help me on getting vertical and horizontal scroll in Drag Node chart FYI: i am using http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/#drag-node-chart Project Planning Diagram thanks avva555