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Everything posted by Matrix

  1. Hello, We recently purchased the pro version of Fusion Charts and i am struggling with the Multiseries concept when pulling data from a database. I have looked at the examples and i understand how they work, the problem i have is applying this. We use Coldfusion 8 for our applications I have a query which pulls out the following data: Q2.PRODUCT_TYPE_UUID, Q2.PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME, Q2.FTBR_WEEK_NO, Q2.QUALITY_RATE I am struggling right here at the start, initialising the strings as the variable names have to be dynamic. How do i get from this: <!--- Initialize the strings ---> <cfset strCat = "<categories>"> <cfset strAmtDS = "<dataset seriesName='Electric'>"> <cfset strQtyDS = "<dataset seriesName='Mixer'>"> to something like this: <!--- Initialize the strings ---> <cfset strCat = "<categories>"> <cfoutput query="Q2"> <cfset "str#PRODUCT_TYPE_ID#" = "<dataset seriesName='#Q2.PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME#'>"> </cfoutput> there is more to come but just want to go through section by section. Thanks Matt