The seriesName will showing in Legend, I want the legend will show in two lines.
<.. dataset seriesName='dataone %26lt;BR%26gt; dadatwo' color='0099FF' ..> .
I try to replace the %26 by & , it will show in legend in one line too.
can't work in FusionCharts V3 but can work in FusionCharts free
<.. dataset seriesName='Trend<BR>' color='0099FF' ..> .
can't work in FusionCharts V3 and FusionCharts free
<.. dataset seriesName='Trend%26lt;BR%26gt;' color='0099FF' ..> .
Any setting can help?
My setting as follwing for Data.xml and use the MSLine.swf(FusionCharts version 3)
Data.xml File content
Can I use as " dataset seriesname='Trend%26lt;BR%26gt;' color='0099FF' " in Data.xml
My setting as followingfor Data.xml and use the MSLine.swf(FusionCharts version 3)
Data.xml File content
[code ] dataset seriesname='Dataline One<BR>' color='00FF00' showValue='1' alpha='80' showAnchors='0' set value='550' / set value='550' / /dataset dataset seriesname='Dataline Two <BR>' color='0099FF' showValue='1' alpha='100' anchorAlpha='0' lineThickness='1' set value='1188' / set value='1188' / /dataset [/code]
The legend output is at the same line. (Dataline One BR Dataline Two BR)
How to change the legend from showing one line to two line as following?
Dataline One
Dataline Two