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Everything posted by mthai

  1. Hi Can we use fusion chart with XML data hard-coded ? I used it in a portlet seam + jsf + facelets + richfaces environment. I have following code in index.xhtml attachments And i have the following result source code HTML attachments The "dataURL" is null ... I removed all indentation and formatting But doesn't work By syllepsa > @mathai I noticed that you didn't include java script code. Yes, you're right, but i used a template and i included java script code in template.xhtml index.txt result_html.txt template.txt
  2. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF Data XML Hard-coded

    So... what should I do? =/ Because, i try to debug the code and, doesn't find the bodyContent :s
  3. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF Data XML Hard-coded

    Hi, In the example : Simple Column 3D Chart with XML data hard-coded in jsp page (dataXML method) The code source HTML is : So the code source HTML like my code source HTML right? =/ But my code doesn't find the code xml... I try to replace my dynamics repeat code a4j with a hard-coded xml, I have the following code : And the code source HTML doesn't change =/ Please check my input renderHTML tag, if I make some mistakes
  4. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Hi, First time, i didn't use the a4j:repeat I removed all indentation and formatting But doesn't work Look my attachments fusionchart.txt
  5. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF

    Hi Can we use fusion chart with XML data hard-coded ? I used it in a portlet seam + jsf + facelets + richfaces environment. I have following code in index.xhtml : < rich:panel header="Fusion Chart"> < fc:renderHTML chartId="SimpleChart" filename="../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf" width="700" height="300"> < graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'> < a4j:repeat value="#{profilForm.donnesProfilDTO}" var="item"> < set name="#{}" value="#{item.value}" color='AFD8F8' /> < /a4j:repeat> < /graph> < /fc:renderHTML> < /rich:panel> And i have the following result source code HTML : < graph caption="Monthly Unit Sales" xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Units" decimalPrecision="0" formatNumberScale="0"> < set name="01/04/2009" value="1.1690696" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="02/04/2009" value="1.1293269" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="03/04/2009" value="1.1101601" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="04/04/2009" value="1.13291" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="05/04/2009" value="1.1210927" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="06/04/2009" value="1.1244303" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="07/04/2009" value="1.1261009" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < set name="08/04/2009" value="1.1606312" color="AFD8F8">< /set> < /graph> < param name="FlashVars" value="&chartWidth=700&chartHeight=300&debugMode=0&dataURL=null" /> The "dataURL" is null ... Does we change the taglib ? Sorry for my english =/