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Everything posted by lynnie

  1. Customise Saving as PDF

    Hi, We are looking into the Batch export of a couple of graphs. I was wondering if anyone could confirm if Fusion Charts has the following options: 1. If we are displaying 5 graphs and do a batch export, does the PDF save each graph on a new page? Or does it simply save all of them in any order? 2. Is there away to customise the PDF document produced, so that we can put in headers and footers, change margins etc? Thanks in advance for your help, L.
  2. Export Component Button

    Hi, I have had to use the 'myChart.setTransparent(true);' code on my chart so that it does not interfere with a floating div I have on my page. However, the 'save' button from the 'FusionChartsExportObject' does not appear to have this option and is causing problems on the floating div appearing below the save button, only in Firefox (managed to use the Iframe work around for all IE versions). I have also tried to set the 'wmode' on the flash export object, but this just breaks the button in Firefox and it fails to load anything. Does anyone know a work around for this so that it has the same behaviour as the chart? Thanks, L.
  3. Export Component Button

    Thanks, the line below did the trick! myExportComponent.srcObj.addParam('wMode', 'transparent'); Thanks, L.