we want to realize a complete automatic drill down from the world map to countries and to regions (inbetween an access application).
I think this is not possible without a complete table of all countries and regions, including a parent child relationship from country to region and the file name of the map file.
For example: we have your provided world table with :
InternalID = 137, LongName = Czech Republic.
From there its necessary to determine
1. the regions of Czech Republic
2. the related map file FCMap_CzechRepublic.swf (or is there a rule: the swf file name is "FCMap_" & LongName with space characters eliminated?)
I wonder, why a can't find such a complete relation table or did I miss something?
I think, without such a table its not possible to automate a drill down through all countries/Regions
please tell me, if this wasn't undersandable enough.
thank you in advance,
Claus Muller