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About mkeery

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    Forum Newbie
  1. power point 2003

    i got it to work Movie = file:///c:/powercharts/Column3D.swf?dataURL=file:///c:/powercharts/waterfall.xml
  2. power point 2003

    you did not answer my question. How do you get the power point presentation with fusion charts after you have reopen the power point presentation ?
  3. power point 2003

    I have power point 2003 and the site licence bundle, just purchased yesterday. I have created a power point presitation following the instructions I found in the documentation. This works fine. I then save the file and close power point, when I reopen the power point it will not show the graph. I have searched the forums and followed ALL of the instructions you have put out Movie=file:/// Playing = true FrameNum=0 none of this works, I allways get stuck on frame number=3 I have also tried MovieData=file:///h:temppowerchartswaterfall2d.swf?dataXML=<chart caption="Sales By Product" subcaption="For the year 2006" xAxisName="Product" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" showValues="1" connectorDashed="1"> <set label="Bi v2" value="420000" /> <set label="Real v3.2" value="810000" /> <set label="Business Division Sales" isSum="1" /> <set label="Fusion Charts" value="910000" /> <set label="IS v2" value="720000" /> <set label="PS v3" value="650000" /> <set label="Web Division Sales" isSum="1" cumulative="0" /> </chart> this also did not work gentlemen I spent 3,000 dollars yesterday on this package, I like fusion charts and in the past we have purchases FustinCharts and have them working on a website. I need to get this resolved, please. have also tried this in visual basic and I get the same error. the only common thing is the flash object and i load the lastest one from