G Stevens

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About G Stevens

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    Forum Newbie
  1. No Data to Display!!

    How embarrasing!! I knew it would be something simple but I could for like of me not see it. Thank you very much.
  2. No Data to Display!!

    Not sure if this should be posted under XML issue or StackedColumn3D so apologies if this is in the wrong place. Please can someone help to as to why this chart returns no data to display, this is driving me nuts!! <chart palette="1" caption="Product comparison" shownames="1" showvalues="0" numberPrefix="$" showSum="1" overlapcolumns="0"> <catagories> <catagory Label='Dec 2006'/> <catagory Label='Jan 2007'/> <catagory Label='Feb 2007'/> <catagory Label='Mar 2007'/> <catagory Label='Apr 2007'/> <catagory Label='May 2007'/> <catagory Label='Jun 2007'/> <catagory Label='Jul 2007'/> <catagory Label='Aug 2007'/> <catagory Label='Sep 2007'/> <catagory Label='Oct 2007'/> <catagory Label='Nov 2007'/> </catagories> <dataset seriesName='EW001' showValues='0'> <set value='0' /> <set value='10.5517970401692' /> <set value='10.2114164904863' /> <set value='10.5517970401692' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='10.2114164904863' /> <set value='10.5517970401692' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='10.2114164904863' /> <set value='10.5517970401692' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='EW003' showValues='0'> <set value='0' /> <set value='74.2667677150434' /> <set value='383.711633194393' /> <set value='21.0229885057466' /> <set value='20.3448275862064' /> <set value='371.333838575219' /> <set value='412.243332912303' /> <set value='21.0191570881226' /> <set value='21.0111111111115' /> <set value='473.266666666675' /> <set value='458.000000000008' /> <set value='20.3333333333337' /> </dataset> </chart> [/Code]
  3. Unreliable use of XML source

    I have a fusion graph accessing data from an xml file on the server. My asp application fills the xml file with data and then reloads the page with the chart on it based on a refresh button. Most of the time the chart will display the data from the source xml file correctly but if I refresh a number of time or change the data file and refresh sometimes it will load with old data from a source that no longer exists. If I use debug mode I can see that the displayed data in xml format is different (from an old file that no longer exists) to that of the actual source file. Please help!