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About vkshrivastva

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    Forum Newbie
  1. How to use Pie3D with Grid in php class

    if I am assigning one by one variable its working but if i am trying to assign dynamically inside loop its not working. and the other thing after ploting the graph grid color and pie color are not matching. Following is code for your reference. # Create Multiseries Column3D chart object using FusionCharts PHP Class $FC2 = new FusionCharts("Pie3D",$width,$height,"", True); # Set the relative path of the swf file $FC2->setSWFPath("MyFCPHPClassCharts/FusionCharts/"); # Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam="caption=$qtn_s - Response Disposition; xAxisName=Week;yAxisName=Revenue;pieSliceDepth=30; pieYScale=50; showNames=1; pieBorderThickness=1; formatNumberScale=2; showPercentageValues=1; showPercentageInLabel=1; decimalPrecision=2; formatNumber=1;bgAlpha=40;pieRadius=170;smartLineThickness=3;smartLabelClearance=50;animation=1;enableRotation=1;isSliced=1;slicingDistance=50;"; $FC2->setChartParams($strParam); $FC3 = new FusionCharts("grid","200","300","", True); $FC3->setSWFPath("MyFCPHPClassCharts/FusionCharts/"); $FC3->setGridParams("baseFont=vardana;baseFontSize=12"); $FC3->setGridParams("numberItemsPerPage=10"); $FC3->setGridParams("colorBoxWidth=70"); $FC3->setGridParams("colorBoxHeight=10"); $FC3->setGridParams("textVerticalPadding=10"); $FC3->setGridParams("navButtonPadding=20"); $FC3->setGridParams("colorBoxPadding=20"); $FC3->setGridParams("valueColumnPadding=20"); $FC3->setGridParams("nameColumnPadding=20"); ## This is working $FC3->setGridParams("bgAlpha=100"); $FC3->addChartData(""); $FC3->addChartData(""); $FC3->addChartData("1"); $FC3->addChartData("2"); $FC3->addChartData("3"); $FC3->addChartData("4"); $FC3->addChartData("5"); ## This is working $i=0; $leg[]="01"; $leg[]="02"; $leg[]="03"; $leg[]="04"; $leg[]="05"; if(count($arr2)>0) { foreach($arr2 as $key=>$val) { $FC2->addChartData($val,"name=".$leg[$i]); ## this is not working $FC3->addChartData($val,"label=$i"); ## this is not working $i++; } } Please suggest me.
  2. Hi, I am using PHP Class to plot PIE 3D charts and grid to display legends. Using Php class method with Pie3D using $obj->FusionCharts() and the same i want to use with grid. But i am not succeeding. Please help me with example. Thanks
  3. FusionCharts_Gen.php related issue

    Thanks, It is working now?
  4. Hi, I am unable to add legends in Pie charts, Pleae help me.
  5. Hi, I am viewing a funny symbol ""after including the FusionCharts_Gen.php in my php code Please suggest me where am i wrong to use the chart.