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About Scalpel

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Same scale on both Y-axes?

    Hello, I'm not sure if I understand your answer. Take a look at the attachment. The problem is that the line, which uses the Secondary axis, is displayed with another axis resolution than the primary axis. I want the line to be shown like the one I've drawn on the image. The line is a line which marks the budget target for each salesman, and the three stacked columns should reach the line when the salesman has reach his planned budget. Frode
  2. Same scale on both Y-axes?

    Hi, I'm using a "Combo Stacked Column 3D - Line DY" graph to display stacked financial data. The line from the right Y-axis is going to display target/budget. I've got data displaying, but the two Y axes use different resolutions. How can I force the right Y-axis to use the same resolution as the left Y-axis? Alternatively, can I drop the second Y-axis completely, but tell the Chart to draw one of the datasets as a line instead of being stacked on top of the bars? Frode