Allen Woods

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About Allen Woods

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Multi Series Stack Chart Problem

    Ah me. Doing numpty impressions. I was using the wrong chart and did not read the user guide properly. Hang my head in shame. The RTFM error was not having matched categories for data sets.
  2. Multi Series Stack Chart Problem

    http:// Points to a chart I am using. Debug mode is switched on. The chart does not display. Looking at the debug script the XML seems OK. I think I am using the correct chart. But nothing displays. I've been trying to get this to work for a day now and it is driving me up the wall. Any guidance would be appreciated Allen
  3. XML Parser and Fusion Charts

    Using VB Script and the dragnode chart. I can get the XML out of the chart and into the MS Parser but haven't a clue how to get to the <dataset> node. Any pointers to a worked example would be much appreciated dim strX, boolLoadOK, strXML 'Response.ContentType="text/xml" 'Response.Write(Request("strXML")) 'Get the XML from the Fusion Charts form... strXML = Request("strXML") 'set up instances of the MS parser set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") set objLst = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") objXML.async = false objLst.async = false 'Now read the Fusion Chart data into the xml parser instance objXML.LoadXML("strXML") if objXML.parseError.errorcode<>0 then 'error handling code else 'It all works to here. Now I try to select a single node, and then write the node text attribute to the page Set Node = objXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode("dataset") request.write(Node.text) ' And nothing happens...... end if set objXML = Nothing set objLst = Nothing %>