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About cancan97

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, if use data like "myChart.setDataURL("data.xml");" save chart is done. However i use data like $FC->renderChartFromExtXML($strXML);so saving chart not worked. What can i do? Ps: my code was attached. 1.Attached (data.html) : worked. 2.Attached (chart.php) : not worked.(Chart is rendered.Capturing is ok. But saving is not worked) Also i have a character problem in chart like chart header. if write static string, character problem is solved but my data created from db. character problem is occured only chart Best Regards,
  2. i try to transparent map but i can t do this. generate FussionMaps.php to change this code; (add this code) also generate FussionMaps.js to add this code; this.addParam('vmode', 'transparent'); how can i solve this?
  3. How can i use drill down chart in php array

    Hi Saptarshi, i dont use xml file to draw chart. use php codeigniter framework and get my data from oracle db. so put my data in to array. Drawing chart with "$FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData);" code. Fussion PHP Array Chart usage allows only "clickURL" attribute set the entire chart. but i can do this. ("$FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData);") this property not allowed to use "link" properties to pass array specific data to drill down chart. i want to use like "link" attribute for using drill down chart. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I try to use dril down chart in array but i can't. This is my code ; //print_r($grafik); die(); //print_r($baslik[0]['ADI']); die(); for($i=0; $i<sizeof($grafik); $i++){ $arrData[$i][0] = $grafik[$i]['YIL']."-".$grafik[$i]['AY']; $arrData[$i][1] = $grafik[$i]['ROUND(SUM(NVL(DEGER,0)))']; //SUM(NVL(DEGER,0)) } // print_r($arrData); die(); # Create FusionCharts PHP Class object for multiseies column3d chart $FC = new FusionCharts("Column3D","100%","100%"); # Set Relative Path of swf file. $FC->setSWFPath("http://localhost/ProjeYatirim/js/FusionCharts/"); # Define chart attributes $FC->setInitParam("scalemode","exactfit"); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($arrData); die; $strParam="caption=".$baslik[0]['ADI'].";formatNumberScale=0;rotateValues=1;decimals=0;canvasBgColor=FFFFFF,FF5904;canvasBgAlpha=100,40;canvasBgRatio=0,100; canvasBgAngle=180;labelDisplay=Rotate;showValues=0;". for($i=0; $i<sizeof($grafik); $i++){ echo"clickURL=http://localhost/ProjeYatirim/index.php?/proje/zamanAltGrafik/".$arrData[$i][0]; }.""; //paletteColors=FF5904,0372AB,FF0000 # Set chart attributes $FC->setChartParams($strParam); # Pass the 2 arrays storing data and category names to # FusionCharts PHP Class function addChartDataFromArray $FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData); # Render the Chart $FC->renderChart(); ?> PC : i use PHPCLass structure to get chart data from array therefore "link" properties does not work. (link properties work only data from xml). What can i do to solve this? Thanks