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Everything posted by cancan97

  1. Hi, if use data like "myChart.setDataURL("data.xml");" save chart is done. However i use data like $FC->renderChartFromExtXML($strXML);so saving chart not worked. What can i do? Ps: my code was attached. 1.Attached (data.html) : worked. 2.Attached (chart.php) : not worked.(Chart is rendered.Capturing is ok. But saving is not worked) Also i have a character problem in chart like chart header. if write static string, character problem is solved but my data created from db. character problem is occured only chart Best Regards,
  2. Hi, I try to use dril down chart in array but i can't. This is my code ; //print_r($grafik); die(); //print_r($baslik[0]['ADI']); die(); for($i=0; $i<sizeof($grafik); $i++){ $arrData[$i][0] = $grafik[$i]['YIL']."-".$grafik[$i]['AY']; $arrData[$i][1] = $grafik[$i]['ROUND(SUM(NVL(DEGER,0)))']; //SUM(NVL(DEGER,0)) } // print_r($arrData); die(); # Create FusionCharts PHP Class object for multiseies column3d chart $FC = new FusionCharts("Column3D","100%","100%"); # Set Relative Path of swf file. $FC->setSWFPath("http://localhost/ProjeYatirim/js/FusionCharts/"); # Define chart attributes $FC->setInitParam("scalemode","exactfit"); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($arrData); die; $strParam="caption=".$baslik[0]['ADI'].";formatNumberScale=0;rotateValues=1;decimals=0;canvasBgColor=FFFFFF,FF5904;canvasBgAlpha=100,40;canvasBgRatio=0,100; canvasBgAngle=180;labelDisplay=Rotate;showValues=0;". for($i=0; $i<sizeof($grafik); $i++){ echo"clickURL=http://localhost/ProjeYatirim/index.php?/proje/zamanAltGrafik/".$arrData[$i][0]; }.""; //paletteColors=FF5904,0372AB,FF0000 # Set chart attributes $FC->setChartParams($strParam); # Pass the 2 arrays storing data and category names to # FusionCharts PHP Class function addChartDataFromArray $FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData); # Render the Chart $FC->renderChart(); ?> PC : i use PHPCLass structure to get chart data from array therefore "link" properties does not work. (link properties work only data from xml). What can i do to solve this? Thanks
  3. i try to transparent map but i can t do this. generate FussionMaps.php to change this code; (add this code) also generate FussionMaps.js to add this code; this.addParam('vmode', 'transparent'); how can i solve this?
  4. How can i use drill down chart in php array

    Hi Saptarshi, i dont use xml file to draw chart. use php codeigniter framework and get my data from oracle db. so put my data in to array. Drawing chart with "$FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData);" code. Fussion PHP Array Chart usage allows only "clickURL" attribute set the entire chart. but i can do this. ("$FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData);") this property not allowed to use "link" properties to pass array specific data to drill down chart. i want to use like "link" attribute for using drill down chart. Thanks.