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About oach

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  1. Prototype ajax update chart

    Been working on this and found some information in the documentation. So this is what my code looks like: var obj_fc = new FusionCharts('<?php echo base_url(); ?>javascript/fusioncharts_v3/Charts/Line.swf', 'fc_1', '940', '200', '0', '0'); obj_fc.setDataURL('xml/fc.xml'); obj_fc.render('ga_largeChart'); // and function processAJAX(url) { var obj_chart = getChartFromId('fc_1'); url += '?nocache=' + new Date().valueOf(); obj_chart.setDataURL(url); } // ajax call new Ajax.Request('ga_getGraph/pageviews', {asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true, evalJS: true, method: 'get', onComplete: function(response) {processAJAX(response.responseText);}}); return false; I know that the url variable has the correct url (alert) and I have checked the xml file, which gets updated BUT the chart does not get updated. No errors on the page either. Any ideas? Thank you, oach
  2. Hi All, There is a chart on a page that is created while the page loads via php. This works w/out a problem. I am using prototype attached to specific links on the page that I want to be able to change the chart on the page. I have tried to search the forums but haven't found a ton on the topic and I don't quite understand how to update. Here is some code // this works fine var obj_fs = new FusionCharts('<?php echo base_url(); ?>javascript/fusioncharts_v3/Charts/Line.swf', 'fc_1', '940', '200'); obj_fs.setDataXML('<?php echo $data; ?>'); obj_fs.render('ga_largeChart'); // ajax call new Ajax.Request('../ga_getGraph/pageviews', {asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true, method: 'get', onComplete: function(response) {$('ga_largeChart').update(response.responseText);}}); return false; Response text is similar to the js above (don't know another way of doing it - that's why I am asking the question. Thank you for your time and help, oach