Been working on this and found some information in the documentation. So this is what my code looks like:
var obj_fc = new FusionCharts('<?php echo base_url(); ?>javascript/fusioncharts_v3/Charts/Line.swf', 'fc_1', '940', '200', '0', '0');
// and
function processAJAX(url) {
var obj_chart = getChartFromId('fc_1');
url += '?nocache=' + new Date().valueOf();
// ajax call
new Ajax.Request('ga_getGraph/pageviews', {asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true, evalJS: true, method: 'get', onComplete: function(response) {processAJAX(response.responseText);}}); return false;
I know that the url variable has the correct url (alert) and I have checked the xml file, which gets updated BUT the chart does not get updated. No errors on the page either.
Any ideas?
Thank you,