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Everything posted by cpetenes

  1. Animation speed

    I haven't tried it, but look in the styles documentation under animation. There is a duration property that can be set. http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/Styles/Animation.html
  2. Multi-line subcaption?

    I tried this: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic10282-43-1.aspx But it just displays the HTML tag in the subcaption. I'm using v3.0.7 but will be upgrading soon if that makes a difference.
  3. logoURL

    Upgrading did allow me to add the logo. :cool:
  4. Multi-line subcaption?

    Wow, adding: n (without the space) to the text actually worked. :cool:
  5. Multi-line subcaption?

    I've upgraded to 3.1.1 and it does not line break in either caption. All it does is display the HTML break tag. Is there a way to do a line break?
  6. Add some text in fusionchart

    If it's just static text, you could make a background image with the text in it and stick it back there. Just make the image the same size as the chart background.
  7. logoURL

    Now I believe it may be a version issue. I thought we had the latest version (I'm new to this job) but I think we got the software back in Nov. and the feature wasn't added 'till later. I'm going to see what we need to do for the upgrade.
  8. .NET Wrapper Classes?

    http://www.tommyt.se/post/FusionCharts-Net-Wrapper.aspxNot complete, but I've used this and it's easy enough to extend the functionality. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-image/FusionChartsHelperClass.aspx
  9. logoURL

    I seem to have the same problem. I've tried a few different path variations.