Hi All. I am using FusionCharts XT 3.3.1-sr2.19840 to render a javascript chart and I get the following error: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined The snippet code that throws this error is (FusionCharts.HC.js):
getSmartText: function (d, e, q, l) {
if (!this.init) return !1;
if (d === void 0 || d === null) d = "";
var v = {
text: d,
maxWidth: e,
maxHeight: q,
width: null,
height: null,
oriTextWidth: null,
oriTextHeight: null,
oriText: d,
isTruncated: !1
}, i = !1,
k, b, f, a, g = -1,
c = -1,
t = -1,
x = this.container,
J = this.context,
ja = g = 0,
la, r = [],
w = 0,
u = this.showNoEllipses ? "" : "...",
g = this.lineHeight,
V = function (a) {
for (var a = a.replace(/^\s\s*/, ""), b = /\s/, g = a.length; b.test(a.charAt(g -= 1));
return a.slice(0, g + 1)
la = J ? function (a) {
return J.measureText(a).width;
} : function (a) {
x.innerHTML = a;
return x.offsetWidth
In some situations (generally when a = "") the call J.measureText (a) returns undefined and the next call (.width) throws the error. I could not identify why this call returns undefined, or why a = "". Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance, Felipe Odoni