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  1. There are one good new for me in fusion blog "Bigger anchors on hover" ( Some man please tell me how to use this feature with enterprise FusionCharts?
  2. Line charts: usage anchors "on hover" with XML

    Thank you Sudipto.
  3. Line charts: usage anchors "on hover" with XML

    Will specified anchorRadius make anchors bigger on hover event? Please give me some example if it exists.
  4. Gantt Charts

    Can someone tell me what new features users could see in Fusioncharts v4 for Gantt Charts? Thanks at once.
  5. I have attached example of this issue. If it is not issue please tell me about so. Please say anyone can it be so this bug had fixed. With regards, Prognoz Compny, RF.
  6. I think this is bug behaviour. Text labels can be stored in legend, instead this they shown around the chart picture, and legend is blank. It is wrong behaviour, we will be pleasure to see some patch from your company could fixed this bug. With some regards, Prognoz Company RF.
  7. I have attached example of this issue. If it is not issue please tell me about so. Please say anyone can it be so this bug had fixed. With regards, Prognoz Compny, RF.