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About abentov

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    Forum Newbie
  1. dual x simulation

    i know you don't have dual x charts. what about the html colour issue i asked about? this way at least i can simulate one.
  2. dual x simulation

    Hi, I was wondering if I can simulate a dual x chart with fusion charts. Here is an example of what I want to do: In order to simulate the above, I thought I could enter values in x axis (called datalabels) with an html break and different font colors. I have only managed to get the br tag rendered (in datalabels object), using the styles > font > ishtml='1' I have tried the following with NO success: 1. using the tag font color='hex color code' 2. using the tag b or b color='hex color code'... According to general flash documentation and to fusion chart, I AM supposed to be able to use the font and b tags - why aren't they rendering? Is there any way to display a chart, similar to the example link I've provided? ps. I've been able to display b in the tooltip chart object, but not in the datalabels object. rendering font color doesn't work at all