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Everything posted by konakevin

  1. Hi all, I am somewhat new to FusionCharts and tried searching the forums for this problem, but could not find an answer to my specific issue. I am trying to create a graph where each set is a time period. I am passing in the number of seconds as the value, and would like to pass in a display value that has the number of seconds formatted as a pretty time string, ex. "6h 7m 12s". My problem is, even when I pass a displayValue parameter to the set xml node, it never uses it, but instead just displays the value. Here is what my set node looks like that I pass in (note that I inserted a space right after the opening tag to get it to display properly on this form): < set name='Bob' hoverText='Bob' value='24017' displayValue='6h 7m 12s' /> Any idea why displayValue is not being displayed in place of the numeric value of 'value'?
  2. Nevermind, I realized that our version of FusionCharts does not support this parameter. Looks like it was added in version 3.1.