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About ShadesOfGrey

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Help... Chart render error....sometimes

    Also. do to the framework we have I am not able to use the JS method to embed.
  2. Hello there. We are using the Bar2D chart and sometimes in IE, the chart does not render properly. All the text is chrushed together and there is no bars at all. I will attach our xml. This only happens in IE. IE 7 mostly. xml.txt
  3. Works in FF but IE hates me

    I attached the code to the first post.
  4. Works in FF but IE hates me

    Help! I have this code and it works fine in IE. Given the other things in my app I can't use the javascript method to gen the chart, but does anyone know why this wont work in IE. Also I can't find a complete list of parameters that can be passed. Where could I find that! I put in the code /code in my post but it wont display. I added a txt file with the code PLUGINSPAGE="" /> code.txt
  5. Remove Gradient from Bars

    Works great! Thanks for the quick reply!
  6. Remove Gradient from Bars

    Love the charts, love the gradient on the bars using the StackedColumn2D.swf file. However the boss does not like the gradient colors in the stacked bars... or other charts.... How can I remove that to have the bars be solid and boring. -Shades