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Everything posted by shamirb

  1. Hi, I've dhtml menu (from and fusion graph in the same php page. my menu is a dop-down menu, when clicking the menu - the sub menu go behind the flash chart, and can not been seen. I know that my solution will be found in the menu code or in the graph code, if it's related to the dhtml menu - then I'm sorry for posting this issue here. Thank You Shamir
  2. Hi, First, It's been a few days since I've searched on the web for flash graph, and fusioncharts is the best 1. is there any chart switch to resize the background size, without changing the grpah size ? I have attach my graph, I have issue with the lable - when the sliced go out - the label is cut off from the border. 2. where I can find the Whole <chart> switches ? Thank You, Shamir Biton