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Everything posted by koharudin

  1. JSON format

    Hi, i tried your code and it didn't display anything. then i tried to give any available XML Source and it displayed. i dont know why your code doesn't work. this is the code : var chart={ animation:"1", caption:"JSON Data", categories:{ category:[ {label:"FOOOO"}, {label:"Booooooo"} ] }, dataset:[{ seriesName:"Product 1", set:[ { value:"11112"}, {value:"12224"} ] }, { set:[ { value:"12311"}, {value:"14123"} ], seriesName:"Product 2"} ], trendlines:{ line:[ {startValue:6,color:"FFFF00"}, {startValue:10,color:"ff0000",endvalue:"15",isTrendZone:true} ] }, subCaption:"Using FusionCharts.js" }; var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../Charts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "ChId1", "450", "350", "0", "0"); chart1.setDataJSON(chart); //chart1.setDataURL("../FCDashboard/Dashboard/Data/ProductSales.xml"); chart1.render("chart1div"); and here its few html code that i saw on Firebug 1.4.0b4 I tested on Firefox Mozilla 3.5 Thanks.. ----Khd----