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About hunterxjames

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Bubble Legend Problem

    May I know when will it be supported?
  2. Bubble Legend Problem

    are you saying i cannot use 'mode=flex ' in 3.2 version? i only get this problem with v3.2 but for the older bubble, it's fine. thanks,
  3. Bubble Legend Problem

    Hi Angie, I am using fusion charts Enterprise32. In any browser, I experience this problem. thanks
  4. Bubble Legend Problem

    Thanks Angie. But the modified xml doesn't solve my problem. As you can see in the image in post#1, the series names are under the legend box. the legend box became like an overlay. What could be the problem with it? And it is correct on first load, and if you resize the page, then it's broken cheers
  5. Bubble Legend Problem

    I am using a flex loader to load the fusion chart from our application. I have attached the xml data. It is working actually on the first load, but once I load another chart and then reload the bubble chart. the legend becomes what is shown in the image I attached in the first post. If I refresh the page, then it will be ok again. The loader loads the followin URL: fusionCharts/Bubble.swf?mode=flex&chartWidth=902&chartHeight=462&data=fusionData/Bubble4.xml Bubble4.xml
  6. Bubble Legend Problem

    I have problems with the legend of bubble chart if there are many datasets. please check the attachment