Fusion Widgets is very cool and I start to study it.
When I ran the real time sample code with VB.NET, but it showed an error "Invalid data: Non-numeric data 22". But for label portion it is OK. Later, I checked code but I could not see where has wrong. I also check some discussion, so I guess there is not space and carriage return in data stream.
Response.Write("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue.ToString)
Then I tried to switch label and value opposite as below.
Response.Write("&value=" + randomValue.ToString + "&label=" + dateTimeLabel)
Then the line started to be plotted, but label showed stranger and no error.
I could not catch all label, but it was showed like
By the way, I am using VS2005 Japaness version, but not experience people for web application development.
Could you help and advise me how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.