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Everything posted by DamienK

  1. Hello, We have recently migrated from FusionChart 3.3.1 to FusionChart 3.7.0, and now we can see a little overlapping issue for the drag line charts when 2 curves are displaying the same values. Am I missing something in the code, or is it bug ? If it is a bug, could you fix it in a next release ? I have attached a screenshot and the code used to this post. Thanks in advance !
  2. DragLine chart : Labels overlapping issue

    Hi, Sorry I did not see that you had answered to this topic. So I will just say that it is a fine solution when the points are indeed between 10% and 90%. But when the points are too closed to one edge, the overlapping issue appears again. It is not a big deal for now, as the property "valuePosition" can be helpful in most cases for our users. Nevertheless, could this little bug be fixed in a future release? Thank you for your answer by the way
  3. Hi, My apologies for this litle up, we've updated FusionCharts to the 3.7 version yesterday and found the same problem Do you have any news ?
  4. Hello, I am currently facing issues with some charts on Chrome 35 MSLine: - tooltips are not displayed when the cursor is over a point, they are only displayed when we are clicking on it (Firefox and Internet Explorer do not have this behavior) Pie3D: - the chart ignores clicks on the slice - we can click on the label outside the slice to start the animation, but the click event associated to the slice is not triggered ScrollColumn2D: - the chart ignores clicks on the scrollbar, we can't see the other values on the right ZoomLine: - the chart ignores clicks, we cannot select an area to zoom in I've attached some examples which are not working well on Chrome, but are fine with Firefox and Internet Explorer, I hope that will help chromebug-MSLine.html chromebug-Pie3D.html chromebug-ScrollColumn2D.html chromebug-ZoomLine.html
  5. Some charts not working well on Chrome 35

    Thank you for the news, we will try this new release soon
  6. Some charts not working well on Chrome 35

    Hello, Thank you for your replies We are currently using FusionCharts/3.3.1-sr3.21100 We have upgraded recently from SR2 to SR3, hoping it would resolve those problems, but it is still not working for us (even after cleaning browser's cache)
  7. Some charts not working well on Chrome 35

    Actually I forgot to add that my team and I have this problem since we have migrated from Windows 7 to Windows 8 before this OS migration, everything went fine with the charts
  8. Hi I am having an issue with stacked bar charts (javascript version) I was migrating a flash chart to a javascript one, and the renders are not the same for the same JSON content Here are some screenshots with the JSON example Javascript code: Flash code: In the screenshot you can see that some letters on the left are not displayed and the "1" values are not at the right place The same thing is happening in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer Is this a known "bug" ? Thanks in advance your replies
  9. Also, I am using FusionCharts XT (v3.3.1 - Service Release 2) to render those charts