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Everything posted by udhay

  1. Hi All, Currently i am facing big problem with MultiLevelPie Chart. All the labels inside chart over laps each other and can't able to differentiate what's the label text. Is there way to resolve this or any other chart similar to MultiLevelPie is there ??. Urgent help required. Pls Reply. Thanks and Regards Udhay
  2. Hi Raj, I didn't understand what does it mean "Could you please add the data sets to the XML that you've provided in the attachment?". can u explain. Iam trying other option and let u know whether it works or not. Thanks and Regards Udhay
  3. Hi, As per your suggestion, i attached the xml document. Please let me know. Thanks and Regards Udhay test.xml
  4. Hi Raj, I sent u email attachment. Please let me know any problem with xml. Thanks and Regards Udhay