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About porterfoster

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Text not displaying

    OK, I moved the charts out to the main timeline and the text showed up again. Still, any thoughts as to why the text did not show up in embedded movie clips?
  2. Text not displaying

    I'm displaying two charts in a standalone swf application. The charts are driven by an external xml file (thanks again for helping me out with that). The charts are working perfectly, except that most of the fonts will not show up. The only text that will display are the seriesNames in the chart legend. Here is my xml: shownames='1' showvalues='1'> Any thoughts?
  3. External XML

    thank you so much! That worked perfectly.
  4. External XML

    Hi. I'm brand new to Fusion Charts, and I'm trying to get MyFirstChart working with an external XML doc, rather than what's hardcoded in Flash. This will be for a standalone desktop application, so it will not be run through a web browser. I got the chart operational as a Multi-Series 3DChart with this hardcoded: var strXML:String = ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; strXML = strXML + ""; //FusionCharts chart classes accept XML data as XML Object //and not XML String. //So, if you've an XML string, first create an XML object from it //and then pass to the chart. We do the same. var xmlData:XML = new XML(strXML); // --------------------------------------------------- // // -------------- Actual Code to create the chart ------------// //To create a chart, you first need to create an empty movie clip to act as chart holder. var chartContainerMC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder",1); //Now, instantiate the chart using Constructor function of the chart. var myFirstChart:MSColumn3DChart = new MSColumn3DChart(mc_chartHolder, 1, 645, 436, 0, 0, false, "EN", "noScale"); //Convey the XML data to chart. myFirstChart.setXMLData(xmlData); //Draw the chart myFirstChart.render(); //Stop stop(); Sorry to bug you guys with something so basic, but I am stuck stuck stuck. So how do I adjust the actionscript to access an external XML?