How to show the overlapped datapoints in fusion chart
Here is my code in this code the meadianvalue and tagetValue are same so in graph i am able to see only one line which represents median
xmlData.Append("<graph numdivlines='10' caption='" + metricName + "' subcaption='" + mystring + "' lineThickness='3' numVDivLines='10' showValues='0' decimalPrecision='1' bgSWF='images/blank.jpg' xAxisName='Month' anchorRadius='3.5' showAlternateVGridColor='0' alternateVGridColor='CCE6FF' anchorAlpha='100' animation='1' limitsDecimalPrecision='0' lineAlpha='85' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='10' legendAllowDrag='1' canvasBgAlpha='0' divLineDecimalPrecision='0'>");
medianValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='" + parameterName + "' color='8BBA00' anchorBorderColor='8BBA00' anchorBgColor='8BBA00'>");
baseValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='BaseLine' color='aa56ff' anchorBorderColor='aa56ff' anchorBgColor='aa56ff'>");
targetValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='Target' color='ffaad4' anchorBorderColor='ffaad4' anchorBgColor='ffaad4'>");
have set stagger also ..but i need to show both the lines which hv same values is it possible to show like tat