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Everything posted by Santhiya

  1. How to show the overlapped datapoints in fusion chart Here is my code in this code the meadianvalue and tagetValue are same so in graph i am able to see only one line which represents median xmlData.Append("<graph numdivlines='10' caption='" + metricName + "' subcaption='" + mystring + "' lineThickness='3' numVDivLines='10' showValues='0' decimalPrecision='1' bgSWF='images/blank.jpg' xAxisName='Month' anchorRadius='3.5' showAlternateVGridColor='0' alternateVGridColor='CCE6FF' anchorAlpha='100' animation='1' limitsDecimalPrecision='0' lineAlpha='85' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='10' legendAllowDrag='1' canvasBgAlpha='0' divLineDecimalPrecision='0'>"); medianValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='" + parameterName + "' color='8BBA00' anchorBorderColor='8BBA00' anchorBgColor='8BBA00'>"); baseValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='BaseLine' color='aa56ff' anchorBorderColor='aa56ff' anchorBgColor='aa56ff'>"); targetValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='Target' color='ffaad4' anchorBorderColor='ffaad4' anchorBgColor='ffaad4'>"); have set stagger also ..but i need to show both the lines which hv same values is it possible to show like tat
  2. Fusion Chart Xt Question

    How to show the overlapped datapoints in fusion chart Here is my code in this code the meadianvalue and tagetValue are same so in graph i am able to see only one line which represents median xmlData.Append("<graph numdivlines='10' caption='" + metricName + "' subcaption='" + mystring + "' lineThickness='3' numVDivLines='10' showValues='0' decimalPrecision='1' bgSWF='images/blank.jpg' xAxisName='Month' anchorRadius='3.5' showAlternateVGridColor='0' alternateVGridColor='CCE6FF' anchorAlpha='100' animation='1' limitsDecimalPrecision='0' lineAlpha='85' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='10' legendAllowDrag='1' canvasBgAlpha='0' divLineDecimalPrecision='0'>"); medianValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='" + parameterName + "' color='8BBA00' anchorBorderColor='8BBA00' anchorBgColor='8BBA00'>"); baseValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='BaseLine' color='aa56ff' anchorBorderColor='aa56ff' anchorBgColor='aa56ff'>"); targetValue.Append("<dataset seriesName='Target' color='ffaad4' anchorBorderColor='ffaad4' anchorBgColor='ffaad4'>"); have set stagger also ..but i need to show both the lines which hv same values is it possible to show like tat