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Everything posted by ghost

  1. Hi, i want to use a gantt chart to build a timeline to display some response time but i have an error in the javascript when i display it Error: Invalid negative value for <rect> attribute width="-1" i suppose that this error is because my start and my end for each task are bad but i can't find how to resolve it. the dateformat : - chartRootElement.Add(new XAttribute("dateFormat", "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mn:ss.fff")); and the start and the end are with this format: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff is it possible to set the with value always width > 0 ? thanks for your help.
  2. Hi, I have a Gantt chart that display about 600 tasks, but it takes about 58 seconds to display. It's a very slow rendering. You can test with the Xml testSlow.xml Best regards, Ghost testSlow.xml
  3. Hi, I use gant charts to build a timeline to display some response time but sometimes bars aren't displayed correctly. (see attached file, NoBars.PNG) That's the html for each bars not displayed correctly, it's always x="868.5" for each bar. <rect x="868.5" y="71.5" width="1" height="10" r="0" rx="0" ry="0" stroke="#4371a7" opacity="1" fill-opacity="1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" style="opacity: 1; fill-opacity: 1;"></rect> If you want test, use the attached file NoBars.xml. Thanks, Ghost NoBars.xml
  4. Slow rendering Gantt chart

    Any update ? Ghost
  5. No Bars Gant chart

    Thanks for your reply swarnam, ghost
  6. Slow rendering Gantt chart

    hi, i have a very good machine, no animation, and just one tooltext for each task. But if i have to disable all the options of fusion charts for rendering 600 tasks, it's very disapointing. Ghost
  7. No Bars Gant chart

    Someone could answer ?
  8. No Bars Gant chart

    Any updates ?
  9. No Bars Gant chart

    hi Sumedh, thanks for your help. i changed the date Format like you say: <chart caption="test" scrollColor="4F85C5" dateFormat="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mn:ss" paletteThemeColor="4F85C5"> But i still have this probleme, the bars don't display. Again an xml file to test Thanks for your concerns, Ghost NoBars2.xml
  10. Hi Haritha, thanks for your help and your replies. Do you know when is the next release ? Ghost
  11. Hi Haritha, do you have some updates ? Thanks for your help, Ghost
  12. hi Rishab, on your second screenshot -> js.jpg, in the first row, it's empty, that's my issue and normally you have an error like this in the javascript: Error: Invalid negative value for <rect> attribute width="-1" window.Raphael.svg.d._setFillAndStroke window.Raphael.svg.R.attr V window.Raphael.svg.R.attr Ca or this one: Error: Invalid negative value for <rect> attribute width="-1" window.Raphael.svg.d._setFillAndStroke window.Raphael.svg.R.attr Ca Thank you for your help
  13. hi Haritha, thank you for your help. i did the corrections, but i always have this issue. in the category tag the start and the end are formated like this: <category start="20-09-2013 15:05:08.567" end="20-09-2013 15:06:08.567" label="0 mn" /> in the chart caption: <chart caption="test" scrollColor="4F85C5" dateFormat="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mn:ss.fff" paletteThemeColor="4F85C5" ganttWidthPercent="70"> in the task: <task start="20-09-2013 15:05:08.567" end="20-09-2013 15:05:08.661" height="10" animation="0" /> i notice that when i change the width of the graph, the task not showing change also. <script type="text/javascript"> if (FusionCharts('chartId')) FusionCharts('chartId').dispose(); FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var myChart = new FusionCharts("@(Url.Content("~/Content/FusionCharts/Gantt.swf"))", "chartId", "100%", "750"); FusionCharts.debugMode.enabled( function() { console.log(arguments); }, 'verbose'); myChart.setXMLData('@(new MvcHtmlString(Model.GetXmlData(Url)))'); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> '@(new MvcHtmlString(Model.GetXmlData(Url)))' -> return the xml sample. and it's the same when i change the width of the processes. <processes fontsize="9" idBold="1" align="left" hoverBandcolor="4F85C5" width="150"> i have a xml file if you want test. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <chart caption="test" scrollColor="4F85C5" dateFormat="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mn:ss.fff" paletteThemeColor="4F85C5" ganttWidthPercent="70"> <categories align="left"> <category start="20-09-2013 15:05:08.567" end="20-09-2013 15:06:08.567" label="0 mn" /> <category start="20-09-2013 15:06:08.567" end="20-09-2013 15:07:08.567" label="1 mn" /> </categories> <datatable headerVAlign="bottom"> <datacolumn headerText="Code" headerFontSize="12"> <text label="302" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="302" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text label="200" /> <text 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15:05:45.714" height="10" animation="0" /> <task start="20-09-2013 15:05:45.651" end="20-09-2013 15:05:45.682" height="10" animation="0" /> <task start="20-09-2013 15:05:45.667" end="20-09-2013 15:05:45.714" height="10" animation="0" /> <task start="20-09-2013 15:06:02.389" end="20-09-2013 15:07:01.572" height="10" animation="0" /> </tasks> <trendlines> <line start="20/09/2013 15:05:07" displayValue="1" color="51B848" thickness="1" dashed="1" /> <line start="20/09/2013 15:05:24" displayValue="2" color="51B848" thickness="1" dashed="1" /> <line start="20/09/2013 15:05:36" displayValue="3" color="51B848" thickness="1" dashed="1" /> <line start="20/09/2013 15:05:40" displayValue="4" color="51B848" thickness="1" dashed="1" /> <line start="20/09/2013 15:05:55" displayValue="5" color="51B848" thickness="1" dashed="1" /> </trendlines> </chart> I hope you can help me with all these information. best regards, Ghost